Trade Token, 50 Cents, 1812-1962 Town of Perinton NY Sesquicentennial.

  • $11.99 CAD

Trade Token, 50 Cents, Side 1, Town Of Perinton N.Y. Perinton, 1812-1962, Sesquicentennial, July 25-29, 1962, Side 2, Souvenir Coin Good For 50 Cents In Trade at any Cooperative Business Or Redeemable at Face Value at Security Trust Co. Of Rochester Fair Port Office On Or Before July 27, 1962.

What Is The Meaning Of Sesquicentennial, A 150th Anniversary, The City Celebrated Its Sesquicentennial.


Oliver Phelps and Nathaniel Gorham purchased 2.6 million acres of land in the wilderness of Western New York in 1788. The area had rich soil and abundant water power, both essential in luring farmers from the rocky hills of New England to the western frontier. William Walker of Canandaigua purchased 36 square miles of the land and hired his brother Caleb and his cousin Glover Perrin to survey the land and divide it into 66 equal lots. The area was known as Township 12, Range 4, in the governmental unit of Northfield.

Glover Perrin, his family, and his six siblings and their families settled in the same area, which became known as Perinton when it was officially established by the New York State Legislature on May 26, 1812. Other settlers soon followed as word of the area’s good farming traveled back east.

Item Code - CUR1E49621PVCZ9B3

Width: 2"  Height: 2"  Depth: 1/8"  Weight: 15 g

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