Jorgensen Wooden Clamp Vise, Made In The U.S, By Adjustable Clamp Co.

  • $64.99 CAD

Jorgensen Wooden Clamp Vise, Two Handles, Shaped Like Needle Nose Pliers, Marking On Clamp, Trade Mark Jorgensen Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Made In U.S.A By Adjustable Clamp Co Chicago ILL, Numbered 5.


Hans Jorgensen himself, the inventor of our trusty hand screws, got the ball rolling in 1903. Jorgensen had his product and the skill to manufacture it, but he lacked the capital to start a business. This brought him into contact with an opportunistic Chicago lawyer named Marcus W. Russ, who agreed to fund the effort, serving as the first company president and sole salesman. In the early years, the whole operation ran out of one room, with a tiny staff of several workers hand-making each and every clamp. As demand increased, Russ purchased a separate manufacturing facility at 216 North Jefferson Street, with a half dozen employees making a still meagre 300 clamps per week. It was around this time, in 1907, that a whirlwind of a woman named Adele Holman walked through Russ's door. It was literally music to the lawyer's ears.

"Our JORGENSEN Handscrews is, in our opinion, the finest general-purpose clamping tool," the company claimed in its 1956 catalogue. "Properly handled, they are easily and rapidly adjusted, quickly applied to and removed from the job. They provide the greatest leverage on the work for the effort expended. The highly selected, straight grain, hard maple jaws present a broad surface to the work being clamped, without any tendency to 'creep' or twist. Also, the wood jaws hold most securely, without slipping, against any kind of surface, wood, metal, fabric or plastic, without danger of marring the work. With only ordinary care, they will outlast the 'iron' clamps which are often substituted . . . Not all Handscrews are the Genuine 'JORGENSEN', be sure to look for the 'JORGENSEN' Trade-mark on the jaws of the Handscrews you buy!"

Item Code - TOO8C1944CAC

Width: 15 3/4"  Height: 10"  Depth: 1 5/8"  Weight: 1.128 kg

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