Hard Cover Book Entitled, "The Story of Pocahontas" By Marion Gridley.

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Hard Cover Native American Children's Book Entitled, "The Story of Pocahontas" By Marion Gridley, Copyrighted in 1942 By Rand McNally & Company.


The story of Pocahontas as told in this book is, in the main, true to history. All details pertaining to her family and to tribal usage and custom are factual. The descriptions of her childhood activities, her pets, and playmates, all correspond to the pattern of life of any Woodland Aboriginal child of that time. While we do not know that the incidents described are true of Pocahontas they could very probably have been so. The accounts of her friendship with the white settlers, her rescue of John Smith, and her marriage to John Rolfe are all based on historical facts. Some authorities differ as to the meaning of the name "Pocahontas," preferring the interpretation of "she is playful" to the one given in this book.

Item Code - BOO14D2911MAC

Width: 5 1/2"  Height: 6 3/4"  Depth: 1/4"  Weight: 115 g

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