Bronze Duck Sculpture Taking Flight.

  • $149.99 CAD

Bronze Duck Sculpture Taking Flight, I Love The Simple Contour Lines Of This Piece, The Angle Of The Duck Gives You The Impression That The Duck Will Take Flight, The Sculptor I Feel Was Successful In HIs Modeling Creation Of A Duck Taking Flight. 


                                     picture of duck taking flight in water


When trying to identify ducks, you must observe several things. Differences in size, shape, plumage patterns, colours, wingbeat, flocking behaviour, voice and habitat all help separate one species from another. Is the duck large or small? Is its body long and slender or short and plump? Does it have a crest? What colour are its wing patches, cap, head, breast, belly, back and tail? Or its eyes, bill and feet? Does the duck dive when feeding, or does it just tip head-down? Does it patter across the water on takeoff or fly straight up? What type of habitat is it in? By observing these and other characteristics, you'll soon be distinguishing ducks you once thought impossible to identify. 

Item Code - BRO4E450PAN 

Width: 9 1/2"  Height: 16 1/2"  Depth: 12 1/2"  Weight: 3.106 kg

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