General Greene Comitia Americana Medal, Copper, Tinned.

  • $8,400.00 CAD

Copper, Tinned Famous Comitia Americana Medal with Inscriptions 'Nathaniel Green Egregio Duci Comitia Americana', 'Salus Regionum Australium', and 'Hostibus AD Eutaw Debellatis Die VIII Sept MDCCLXXXI.


Famous Comitia Americana Medal Originally Issued for Nathaniel Greene, Major General of The Continental Army in The American Revolutionary War, and Known for His Successful Command in The Southern Campaign. He Forced British General Charles Cornwallis to Abandon The Carolinas and Head for Virginia. After The War Greene Emerged as George Washington's Most Gifted and Dependable Officer, Receiving This Medal From The Continental Congress. Bronze, Silver, and Gold Versions of The Medal Exist. All are Extremely Valuable.

      Resolutions Of Congress Voting a Medal To General Greene, Etc.

By The United States In Congress Assembled.


Resolved, That the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled, be presented to Major-General Greene for his wise, decisive, and magnanimous conduct in the action of the 8th of September last, near the Eutaw Springs, in South Carolina, in which, with a force inferior in number to that of the enemy, he obtained the most signal victory.

That the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled, be presented to the officers and men of the Maryland and Virginia brigades, and Delaware battalion of continental troops, for the unparalleled bravery and heroism by them displayed, in advancing to the enemy through an incessant fire and charging them with impetuosity and ardour that could not be resisted.

That the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled, be presented to the officers and men of the legionary corps and artillery, for their intrepid and gallant exertions during the action.

That the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled, be presented to the brigade of North Carolina for their resolution and perseverance in attacking the enemy, and sustaining a superior fire.

That the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled, be presented to the officers and men of the state corps of South Carolina, for the zeal, activity, and firmness by them exhibited throughout the engagement.

That the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled, be presented to the officers and men of the militia, who formed the front line in the order of battle and sustained their post with honour, propriety, and resolution, worthy of men determined to be free.

Resolved, That a British standard is presented to Major-General Greene as an honourable testimony of his merit, and a golden medal emblematical of the battle and victory aforesaid.

That Major-General Greene is desired to present the thanks of Congress to Captains Pierce and Pendleton, Major Hyrne and Captain Shubrick, his aides-de-camp in the testimony of their particular activity and good conduct during the whole of the action.

That a sword is presented to Captain Pierce, who bore the general's despatches giving an account of the victory, and that the Board of War takes order herein.

Resolved, That the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled, be presented to Brigadier-General Marion, of the South Carolina militia, for his wise, gallant, and decided conduct in defending the liberties of his country; and particularly for his prudent and intrepid attack on a body of the British troops, on the 30th day of August last, and for the distinguished part he took in the battle of the 8th of September. Monday, October 29, 1781.

Item Code - MEMSOU1E200FDZ1A1

Width: 1 1/2"  Height: 1 1/2"  Weight: 21 g

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